
tel. (22) 861-31-30

kom. 608-355-172


ul. Przyszłości 4

05-082 Blizne Łaszcz.

Poniedziałek - Piątek

8.00-17.00 | Sekretariat

7.30-18.30 | Szkoła


tel. (22) 861-31-30

kom. 608-355-172

ul. Kaliskiego 29A

01-476 Warszawa

07:30 - 18:30

Pon. - Pt.

Tutoring – Wawrzyniec Muszyński-Sulima | SZACUNEK

In this part of my short series I spoke with Mr. Dariusz Bugalski, a journalist from Trójka. We discussed the problem of lack of respect in modern world. At first I asked where does racism come from. I received an answer that it comes from our reptile brain. We fear the unknown.  I also asked whether racism work vice versa (if white people do not respect the black people, do black people do the same in return). 

Daniel Starski

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